Sunday, June 30, 2024

Fascist."It's not the package and the wrapping which counts but what is inside, underneath the clothes and the skin. American Girl:The Struggle" - This is Where Bad Times . Read, right, or wrong, you only have one life. Begin What can be brighter than th...

 “Relax We’re All Crazy. It’s Not a Competition!” Rites, Reasons, Seasons Of Faces, Plenty Of Frogs, Freaks, Fools, Glory Dazes On Earth.Faith is the secret to happiness for all people. When you truly forge your mind of faith, you will become an eternal victor throughout the three existences of past, present and future.WELL IT'S 1FOR THE MONEY, FOR THE SHOW, 3 TO GET READY 4 FOR SALES, 5 FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE, OR PRESS 6 TO HEAR THESE OPTIONS'AGAIN.

  • Hooker, I ain’t in the ‘helpin” business no more. I’m in the ‘fuck off while I smoke a joint’ business,and business about to pick way the fuck up.Thinking of you . What's going on, tell me about yourself, what's your story?Angels Calls, History Across The Lines, Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers:Birds.Good And Sweet: Tips, Tales, Dimes To Drop. Waves In Words.
    5151: Back in the ...Love, lights, lessons, leaders, luck, coins to play, angels on earth, sisters of colors, rainbow readers, hosts of angels to greet. Birthdays daily, deaths daily, holidays hits and misses, we are all family. Houses with colors, animals under the skin, freaks, frogs, and fish, lots of ways to see the lights. Angels in host, kids and goats, songs in the winds, candles in the knights, queens, sisters of color, 60 years old, not a long life, better than some.

    I'm a weirdo but I'm real tho.What beef? What do you do when there's nothing left to hold on to?Its about time, its about space, its about being lost in time.

  • Hooker, I ain’t in the ‘helpin” business no more. I’m in the ‘fuck off while I smoke a joint’ business,and business about to pick way the fuck up.Thinking of you . What's going on, tell me about yourself, what's your story?Angels Calls, History Across The Lines, Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers:Birds.Good And Sweet: Tips, Tales, Dimes To Drop. Waves In Words.
Fascist."It's not the package and the wrapping which counts but what is inside, underneath the clothes and the skin.
American Girl:The Struggle" - This is Where Bad Times . Read, right, or wrong, you only have one life. Begin What can be brighter than th...

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QuickView_ Doc: 2019-509430 DOC #2019-0509430. I ain’t the one to gossip. SPRUCE POWER, Solar Panels. UNACCOUNTABLE.Talk about the one who flew the kooks nest ha! Merry Christmas .NO MATTER How Badly Life Treated You Last Year... Just Walk Tall With Your Head Held High THIS is a Brand New Year Baby!
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Spruce Power .Coins, cards, cats in the cradle, more than one way to skin a cat.Tell me something good, age, how tall, retired from what, house on the block, with time to spare, dreams in works. Whoa! This is different. Must dig deeper. Where should I start."Conspiracy Theorist''.' ATTORNEY LEGAL NETWORKING GROUP,Like you said.Blast In Past Lives: Earth Angels .NO SHIT SHERLOCK.Coins To Cards, Winners,and Losers. Dimes To Drop.

Do not stop doing something you like due to lack of time because time never returns... * The day is today! No one escapes real life. In the heart of the earth, where magic crystals grow, lies the secret light that makes the whole world glow." Communication is like a recipe. If you leave out a key ingredient, the whole thing can turn into a disaster.
One of the reasons we need to make America great again, Eliminate corruption.We all Stand Tall against the Islamic Fascist."It's not the package and the wrapping which counts but what is inside, underneath the clothes and the skin.
One of the reasons we need to make America great again, Eliminate corruption.We all Stand Tall against the Islamic Fascist."It's not the package and the wrapping which counts but what is inside, underneath the clothes and the skin.
American Girl:The Struggle" - This is Where Bad Times . Read, right, or wrong, you only have one life. Begin What can be brighter than th...

It Is A Jungle Out There. Coins, Cards, Cons, Clowns To The Left, Cattle Runs, Heads To Count. Israel’s Last Prophet, Economy, Society, History, and Civilization, The Sorrows of Young.Make America White Again”.
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You have to accept that you can’t change the past experiences, opinions of others at that moment in time, or outcomes from their choices or yours. When you finally recognize that truth then you will understand the true meaning of forgiveness of yourself and others. From this point. Sarah Speaks Up, Dicks, Dawgs, Dates, Plenty Of Frogs To Kiss: Lessons Daily, Mountains Tops.“Relax We’re All Crazy. It’s Not a Competition!” Rites, Reasons, Seasons Of Faces, Plenty Of Frogs, Freaks, Fools, Glory Dazes On Earth.
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Flying  daily to hopes, dreams, and prayers in motion.  Honey bees went to count, saved their honey, but killed the world instead.  Bees for  jokes bees for laughter, kids  show. Jewish  White actors, big names, new yorker dry Genes. More messages hidden.  “Relax We’re All Crazy. It’s Not a Competition!” Rites, Reasons, Seasons Of Faces, Plenty Of Frogs, Freaks, Fools, Glory Dazes On Earth.Ozzie and Harriet,' 'Mayberry' America of old was vastly superior to what we are experiencing today."Men, Mice, Monsters, Faces In Shadows, Under The Sands, Gems To Find..Lots of lies, lots of love, lots of laughs, tales online, stories to share, cat and mouse, cartoons shows. Pages to turn, stories to read, books to create, monkeys on a tree. Games of rats and men, rats racing for more cash daily, events for the here and now.Carol-Castro Jarrot

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More of this coming, unfortunately.FERRARI A.G.E &.LUX IT'S MY WORLD.I AM GOING TO CRY .CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN. We The People, American Birds, Fingers 2 Hands: Go Rites, Reasons, Seasons Of Joy, Peace, Happiness, Wheels To Turn, Clocks To Run, Coins On Hands, American Veterans:

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